Jun 21Liked by MK CREEL

Thank you for the update!

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Jun 21Liked by MK CREEL

Hooray for Daisy coming home! So happy to know of her return :)

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Tonight I will raise a glass to Daisy and to you while looking at the Box turtle moon. I got your book. I had my wife read me the first half because she is just so good at reading anything.

I heard, hear a pretty damn sad vein running through it all. The pandemic was no f***ing picnic, really took me down about as low as I have been since I was a young man considering which car to walk in front of. When I did choose, that same car slowed down and gave me a ride. That was almost 45 years ago and I have been crawling out ever since.

I like your stuff, it speaks to me but Laurie can't take too much of it. She came from a shinier world. I wrote this during '20 or '21. Let me know what you think. Wes


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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

Cheers to the box turtle moon and whatever saves us. For me, today, it’s the song of a wood thrush. Enjoyed your poem, btw. I will be revisiting T.S. Eliot this weekend.

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While my son and I were working on our deck a house wren threw herself at me because I got too close to her next, which I built for her, ungrateful little wretch. Watching her saves me and working with Will who is exiting from military PTSD and is almost human again.

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Jun 21Liked by MK CREEL

MK Creel, as always with your writing, reading it once was not enough for me. With each reading, I found new images and new ideas that I love. There is so very much to love about your intentional intervention in Daisy's life journey. And I love the idea of tonight's moon being the Box Turtle Moon.

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That's great to hear that Daisy healed and was released. Safe travels Daisy wherever you are. :)

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What good news! You probably saved her life. Thank you for teaching me about these beloved woodland beings. I’m always surprised and delighted by a chance encounter. It feels like a special blessing—each one so beautiful. Each one painted in its own special designs.

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Wow go Daisy! And go you and the refuge who saved her!

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This made my heart smile. ❤️

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