That was a good use of time, giving that young thing a shot at life.

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I think so too.

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The turtle was released today. 💚

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Author

I received an update on #755. She is now with the wildlife rehabilitation specialist that I first reached out to, who was kind enough to let me know that she is not quite 100%, but healing. It does look like another Eastern box turtle that was treated for an aural abscess (due to pesticide exposure) was released today ... so, yay!

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I must have misread the number. Good news, all around!

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Great to hear that you got that little turtle the care it needed and that its on the mend! How lucky it was to come across someone so willing to take care of the world they live in!

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I felt lucky to have found a place where it can get the care it needs. Unfortunately, a chipmunk living in our yard was not able to be saved thanks to a roaming cat. (I'll be posting a poem about that experience soon.)

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I hope she heals--at least you've made the possibility a little more likely for her. Turtles encounters are wonderful.

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They are. I actually wrote a micro-essay about such encounters back in July, 2022. If you are interested to read: https://open.substack.com/pub/asmallspectacle/p/when-i-feel-lucky?r=ovpbb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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The sweetest love letter! I savored this post. Thank you 💚

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Thank you for sharing this story. Your care for that little turtle--Daisy?--warmed my heart.

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What a story! I'm glad you were able to notice the issue and find a place that would take your little friend! I did not grasp the size from the photos that it would be an "infant"! Keep us updated, I hope it can be sent back out to the wild---will it come back to your house or do they release it there?

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I have learned that because box turtles have a home range, it is ideal to release them back where they were found. The rehabber that is caring for her is keeping me updated and will let me know when she is ready.

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That’s what I thought but I didn’t know what the procedure would be for a rehab like that. Glad to know she’ll come home! Maybe you’ll be able to watch her over the coming years when she passes through your yard.

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