I am enchanted by your wild yard and beautiful fireflies! I enjoy them so much - they will be later to twinkle here in Maine, and smallish in numbers for so many reasons, but absolutely magical and we look forward to them every year 💕

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Thank you... and yes, they are magical.

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So beautiful. ❤️

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Thank you

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Loved this essay a lot! I have not seen fireflies (I also called them lightning bugs as a kid) in my neighborhood but I have come across them during the day time a few times, just perched on leaves. I'm sorry you missed the celestial events recently but there are always little delights to find elsewhere.

Congratulations on the new book!

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Thank you, and I hope you catch a glimpse of the fireflies this summer.

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Great reflection on the first lightning bugs of the season, MK. And the importance of wildness. I've also been seeing a few in the trees in my yard in Monticello. I hope as time goes on, more folks will learn to let the leaves be. This reminds me of a glowbug hike I went on last June in Otto, NC (just over the state line from Clayton, GA). Up in a little mountain valley there, far removed from artificial light, the bugs put on a fabulous show. One of the coolest things I've seen.

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